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MilliporeSigma Turns to Fine Tune to Audit and Manage its Uniform Program

Press Releases • October 13, 2020

Partnership combines expertise with proprietary technology to ensure suppliers are competitive and compliant which provides peace of mind; full service category solution approach has saved MilliporeSigma millions of dollars

CHICAGO, Ill. – Oct. 13, 2020 – Fine Tune, a provider of ‘nuisance expense’ management solutions, announced today that it has helped MilliporeSigma, a global leader in life sciences, save nearly 40 percent in industrial and cleanroom uniform costs during the past three years. As a result, hard dollar savings driven through this program has now reached multiple millions of dollars.

When MilliporeSigma initially engaged the team of world-class experts at Fine Tune in 2012, it needed to consolidate uniform suppliers across more than 40 US-based sites and centralize the management of the program.

According to MilliporeSigma, this was an arduous and complex process consisting of data collection, data analysis and baseline assessment, strategy setting, RFP processes and supplier negotiations, and implementation of new and better agreements.

“We were introduced to Fine Tune as they were working with Sigma prior to the corporate merger. That said, my team had never worked with a company like Fine Tune and, to be honest, the value proposition of implementing better supplier agreements, managing those agreements to the ‘letter of the contract’ while only paying when we realize savings results seemed too good to be true,” said Brent Farmer, MRO Sourcing Manager, MilliporeSigma.

“Looking back on what we collectively have achieved including new and better contracts, improved efficiencies and bottom-line savings, I can’t imagine accomplishing this without a partner like Fine Tune.”

Fine Tune’s ongoing vigilant management of the program has yielded an additional 39 percent in savings post-merger.

Additional ongoing services Fine Tune provides to MilliporeSigma include:

  • Surveying sites on supplier satisfaction
  • Assisting in new supplier selection when transitions are necessary
  • Coordinating supplier transitions when necessary
  • Reviewing inventory levels billed versus what actually exists
  • Enforcing reconciliations within cleanroom accounts to identify “lost” product and appropriately reconcile MilliporeSigma’s interest
  • Pursuing and collecting credits and reimbursements when overcharging occurs

Fine Tune’s expense management experts utilize its proprietary Expense Management Optimization and Auditing Technology (eMOAT℠) to monitor, audit, and proactively manage the industrial and cleanroom uniform program and uniform expense management. eMOAT℠ identifies whether a program is performing as expected and, if not, helps to quickly answer the “what, where, and why” of each expense anomaly.

Farmer continued, “What Fine Tune does would be extremely difficult if not impossible to replicate with an in-house full-time sourcing employee. Fine Tune offers so much more and is such a valuable asset supporting this ‘nuisance expense’ of uniforms on behalf of MilliporeSigma.”

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