Maximizing P&L Impact

Employing extensive category knowledge and innovative technology, Fine Tune’s cost reduction consultants execute more cost-effective expense reduction solutions through strategic assessment, sourcing, implementation, and management strategies. Our process drives real savings that hits your P&L and sticks over time, all while you focus on bigger priorities.

Our Impact

Save 20-50% (And Tons of Time) on Indirect Services

At Fine Tune, our cost reduction consultants specialize in the most burdensome indirect expenses—the categories which constantly distract your attention from bigger priorities. We drive surprisingly significant savings within these categories (think 20-50%, not 8-12%) while improving program quality and stakeholder satisfaction…all while you work on more mission-critical initiatives.


Data Collection

Our process starts with collecting all of the relevant data. The RIGHT data (not always the data your suppliers volunteer). We know what to ask for. Here’s the good news for you: data collection isn’t a “you” project, it’s a Fine Tune project. With a letter of agency in place, our cost reduction consultants get what we need from your suppliers so you don’t get distracted.

Program Assessment

Armed with all of the right data, our cost reduction consultants perform a sophisticated analysis of your programs. Line by line, contract by contract, amendment by amendment, location by location…we’ll emerge with a precise accounting of the “lay of the land.” We’ll ask the right questions, starting the process of bringing truth to light and empowering you with leverage in these troublesome categories with our expense reduction solutions.


Strategy Setting

When we’ve completed the program assessment phase and gotten to know your account, it’s time to talk strategy. In these solution-setting discussions, our starting point is always understanding what a “big win” would look like for you, our client. Our cost reduction consultants then set target spend levels based on our unmatched understanding of these indirect services, and we agree on strategies for attaining these spend levels. We emerge with an agreement on the best course of action for attaining our stated goals as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Sourcing, RFP & Negotiations

Having agreed upon a strategy, it’s time for Fine Tune’s cost reduction consultants to go to work executing that strategy in the marketplace. We broadly refer to this stage in our process as the “deal-making” phase. Sometimes it’s a full-blown RFP, sometimes it’s direct negotiations with one or two incumbents. Sometimes it’s a mix of deal-making in large, complex accounts. As a Fine Tune client, you’ll have our experts doing the heavy lifting in these processes, and you’ll have the peace of mind that your next supplier agreements will have been negotiated by world-class industry insiders.


Recommendation & Implementation

Emerging from the deal-making phase, it’s time to “dot the i’s and cross the t’s” to start saving money without delay. Fine Tune’s cost reduction consultants vigilantly manage this implementation of expense reduction solutions, working with legal on your side and the supplier side as appropriate to get new deals live. Eighty-five percent of our clients retain their incumbent suppliers, but when transitions are warranted, we’re managing these processes, too, incorporating industry best practices to ensure seamless transitions and mitigation of transition costs.

Ongoing Management

If Fine Tune were just a sourcing solution, we’d leave at this juncture. But we know that with indirect services, even the best deal-making efforts will be quickly eroded without continuous auditing and dedicated, vigilant management. So, you’ll have Fine Tune’s cost reduction consultants on your side to make sure you get what you sign up for. From monthly auditing using our proprietary software, to resolving overcharges, to assisting with substantial field/service issues, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that the “Tuners” are on the case, delivering sustainable savings with our expense reduction solutions!


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