Pest Control Services

InsightsPest Control ServicesPest Control Companies Taking Advantage of COVID-19?

Pest Control Companies Taking Advantage of COVID-19?

Keith RobinsonMay 4, 2020Read time: 2 min

Pest Control COVID Disinfectant

Pest control companies, like many other vendors, are looking for creative ways to recover revenue once business opens back up following the COVID-19 restrictions.

Recently, we’ve noted the trend of pest control vendors offering “Disinfectant Services.”

While their licensing and equipment make this a viable offering, take caution as some of these companies may be brand new to this type of service.

Some may be applying products that aren’t approved for the control of pathogens such as COVID-19.

If you manage your pest control supplier and/or sign the yearly contract, here are a few questions you should be asking:

  • Are they using a product that is approved for this use? Here’s a list of the registered products from the EPA.
  • Are they mixing it to the appropriate dilution rate as written on the label to kill the specific pathogen?
  • Are they using the right delivery system and covering all the surfaces to ensure the best control?

We also recommend that you obtain and review a current Certificate of Insurance from the provider to ensure that they are covered for this type of work.

Some states allow pest control providers to perform these services, others require additional categories than the standard general pest, and all states would caution against viewing pest control providers as true subject matter experts on virus control.

Make sure you’re asking the right questions and investigating if this service is right for your business as it’s likely not covered in your existing contract.

As always, seek out a trusted third-party advisor for additional guidance and peace-of-mind.

Keith Robinson Headshot

Keith Robinson

Vice President of Pest Control Services

Keith joined Fine Tune in 2019 after spending nearly 30 years in the pest control industry. Previously, Keith worked 17 years at Terminix and built and sold his own PC company. Most recently, Keith served as VP of operations, training, quality assurance and food safety at ABC Home & Commercial Services. In that role, Keith led all commercial pest management operations in north Texas, east Texas and Oklahoma. A Board Certified Entomologist, he developed and rolled out food safety programs for national chain accounts across the United States. Today, Keith oversees Fine Tune’s pest control services offering nationwide.

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