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Expense Management Strategy
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Position Rate Variances: How Your Security Vendor’s Payroll System Can Impact Your P&L

Position Rate Variances: How Your Security Vendor’s Payroll System Can Impact Your P&L

Picture this: You are the category manager responsible for your organization’s contract security program and security cost reduction. Your current security contract is approaching the end of its three-year term, […]
Waste & Recycling Industry Alert: How a Waste Route Driver Can Impact Your P&L

Waste & Recycling Industry Alert: How a Waste Route Driver Can Impact Your P&L

You, the Category Manager responsible for your organization’s waste & recycling spend, are revisiting the program because contract expiration is approaching and it’s time to negotiate a new deal. Your […]

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Scary Supplier Practices

Scary Supplier Practices

Supplier-driven events that negatively impact your cost-savings efforts in indirect categories—with a spooky twist. [...]
A New Security Contract is Not Enough: Changing Your Company’s Security Culture

A New Security Contract is Not Enough: Changing Your Company’s Security Culture

Your security program is intended to protect your employees, facilities, property, data, operations, and business continuity. One component of that security program is your contracted relationship with your security vendor. […]
Expert Q&A: Why is Security Such a Maddening Expense?

Expert Q&A: Why is Security Such a Maddening Expense?

We recently caught up with Bob Schreiner, Fine Tune’s Vice President of Security & Guard Services, on why security is such a challenging and maddening expense for procurement. Q: What makes […]
Uniform Rental Industry Alert: How a Uniform Rental Route Person Can Impact Your P&L

Uniform Rental Industry Alert: How a Uniform Rental Route Person Can Impact Your P&L

It’s 8am on Tuesday: time for the weekly uniform rental delivery at your Omaha facility. The cheery and personable uniform route representative, Rory, enters the plant clutching the newest copy […]
Optimize Your Pest Control Spend: Bridging the Gap Between Procurement and Quality

Optimize Your Pest Control Spend: Bridging the Gap Between Procurement and Quality

To effectively manage the pest control cost reduction category, you must find ways to bridge the gap between Procurement and Quality. If you are tasked with managing pest control contracts […]
Tales from the Field: a pest control off-contract spend example

Tales from the Field: a pest control off-contract spend example

If you are looking for quick wins and cost savings in your pest control expense management category, you must focus on off-contract and out-of-scope spend. The potential savings can be […]
Procurement Foundry Ask Me Anything with Fine Tune – ‘Cliff Notes’ Recap

Procurement Foundry Ask Me Anything with Fine Tune – ‘Cliff Notes’ Recap

Fine Tune CEO, Rich Ham, and Procurement Foundry President, Mike Cadieux, recently “chopped it up” (to steal a phrase from Mike) during an engaging Ask Me Anything session, “Tail Spend: […]
“Good Contract, Bad Deal” Explained

“Good Contract, Bad Deal” Explained

If you joined any of our recent online events or read some of our content this past year, you have heard us talk about a phenomenon we see all too […]

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