Pest Control Services
AAeration - The process used to ventilate a structure or container that has been fumigated. This process must be completed by a Licensed Pest Control Operator.
CClean-Out - A treatment designed to remove all pests from a facility, usually done at the onset of a new account start up, and which requires multiple team members to complete.Cubic Footage - Calculated as length X width X height, this calculation is used to determine volume to be treated for foggings and fumigations
DDefoliating - Killing or artificially accelerating the drying of plant tissues, with or without causing abscission.Device - Any trap or tool used to capture or track movement of a pest, e.g., snap traps, glue boards, light traps, etc.
FFogging - A space treatment intended to kill insects or spiders on contact but which does not penetrate walls and packaging.FSMA - Food Safety Modernization Act. FSMA shifted the focus from responding to foodborne illnesses to preventing them and impacts almost every business that must register with the FDA. The updated rule now requires food facilities to have a written food safety plan that includes a hazard analysis as well as preventive controls for a proactive approach to food safety.Fumigation - A space treatment using deadly gas to penetrate walls and packaging in order to kill any and all insects that may be located inside the treatment zone.Fungicide - Any substance that kills fungi or inhibits the growth or reproduction of spores.Fungus/Fungi - Any member of the group of eukaryotic organisms that includes unicellular microorganisms such as yeasts and molds, as well as multicellular fungi that produce familiar forms known as mushrooms.
GGFSI - Global Food Safety Initiative. GFSI sets the standard for food safety worldwide and is the governing body that certifies each of the Brand Audit standards listed below:
- BRC- British Retail Consortium (3rd Party Audit Standard)
- SQF- Safe Quality Foods (3rd Party Audit Standard)
- AIB- American Institute of Baking (3rd party Audit Standard)
- BRC- British Retail Consortium (3rd Party Audit Standard)
- SQF- Safe Quality Foods (3rd Party Audit Standard)
- AIB- American Institute of Baking (3rd party Audit Standard)
IInsect Light Traps (ILTs) - The light traps that are installed on the inside of a facility to attract insects and catch them on glue boards.Insects - A class of invertebrates within the arthropod phylum that have a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-part body (head, thorax and abdomen), three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes and one pair of antennae. They are among the most diverse groups of animals on the planet, including more than a million described species and representing more than half of all known living organismsIntegrated Pest Management (IPM) - An ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on long-term prevention of pests or their damage through a combination of techniques such as biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices, and the use of resistant varieties. Pesticides are used only after monitoring indicates that they are needed according to established guidelines, and treatments are made with the goal of removing only the target organism. Pest control materials are selected and applied in a manner that minimizes risk to human health, beneficial and non-target organisms, and the environment.
LLeast-Toxic Alternatives - Pesticides are ranked by toxicity level to humans, mammals, and beneficial organisms. The least-toxic alternative pesticide(s) is a chemical that is non-toxic to humans or non-target organism. It is used as a last resort after non-chemical effort(s).Licensee - A pest control professional who is licensed by his/her state’s Department of Agriculture and is the responsible party under the law as it relates to performance of pest control services.Linear Footage - Measurement used to calculate exterior footage for termite or power spray treatments. Linear Footage is the straight-line measurement of the number of feet intended for treatment.
MMating Disruption - Lures containing certain sex pheromones placed strategically around the interior of a facility to prevent insects from finding viable mates.Monitors - Typically glue boards which capture rodents or insects and are placed temporarily, if and when a pest issue is suspected.
PPersonal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Pest Control - PPE specific to the pest control industry includes apparel and devices worn or used to minimize human contact with pesticides or pesticide residues that must be provided by an employer and are separate from--or in addition to--work clothing. Typical pest control PPE includes chemical resistant suits, gloves, aprons, headgear, and footwear.Pest - Organisms that damage or interfere with desirable plants in our fields and orchards, landscapes, or wild lands, or damage homes or other structures. Pests also include organisms that impact human or animal health. Pests may transmit disease or may be just a nuisance. A pest can be an unwanted plant (weed), vertebrate (bird, rodent, or other mammal), invertebrate (insect, tick, mite, or snail), nematode, pathogen (bacteria, virus, or fungus) that causes or contributes to disease, or other unwanted organisms that may harm water quality, animal life, or other parts of the ecosystem.Pesticides - Any substance or mixture intended to be used for defoliating plants, regulating plant growth, or for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest which may infest or be detrimental to vegetation, humans, animals, households, buildings, or be present in any agricultural or nonagricultural environment.Pheromone Trap - Traps that contain a lure with a pheromone or scent that an insect would be attracted to. Insects are caught on a glue board or they fall into a trap located on the ground.Power Spray - A liquid treatment performed to the exterior of a facility using a truck mounted power rig which delivers a large volume of chemical.
RRodent - The largest group of non-flying mammals which includes mice, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, beavers, muskrats, porcupines, woodchucks, chipmunks, squirrels, prairie dogs, marmots, chinchillas, voles, moles, gophers, lemmings, and many others.Rodent Bait Stations (RBSs) - Bait boxes placed around the exterior of the facility, typically 150 to 200 feet apart. RBSs are intended to attract rodents to feed and then die outside before gaining access to the interior of the facility.
SSafety Data Sheet (SDS) - The (SDS) or Safety Data Sheets accompanies the product label and provides the following:
- Identification: for the product and supplier
- Hazards: physical (fire and reactivity) and health
- Prevention: steps you can take to work safely, reduce or prevent exposure, or use in an emergency
- Response: appropriate responses in various situations (e.g., first-aid, fire, accidental release)
Spray Adjuvant - Any wetting agent, spreading agent, deposit builder, adhesive, emulsifying agent, deflocculating agent, water modifier, or similar agent, with or without toxic properties of its own, intended to be used with a pesticide as an aid to application or effectiveness, and sold separately from the pesticide with which it is to be used.Square Feet - The measurement of length X width, typically used to calculate broadcast treatments like lawns or athletic fields.
- Identification: for the product and supplier
- Hazards: physical (fire and reactivity) and health
- Prevention: steps you can take to work safely, reduce or prevent exposure, or use in an emergency
- Response: appropriate responses in various situations (e.g., first-aid, fire, accidental release)
TTarget Pest - The specific Pest you have identified and plan to treat for.Threshold Level - The maximum pest population tolerated before additional pest control measures are implemented.
WWeed - Any plant in an unwanted place. (a) Broadleaf weed is a dicot plant (two or more leaves). (b) Grassy weed is a monocot plant (one leaf or more from a central source).
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